So I’m about to take a break from creating these weekly videos, but it’s a planned break, because I like to take time off during the summer, spend time with my kids, attend all their baseball games, and get ready for the Virtual Math Summit!
I’m Christina Tondevold, The Recovering Traditionalist. And I hope you’re going to stick around for this video because I am giving you a preview of the 2019 Build Math Minds Virtual Math Summit!!!!!!!!!
Watch the video or read the transcript below:
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As I mentioned, I won’t be making more videos until about the end of August as we start gearing back up for the start of school. But until then, the good news is I am working on the Virtual Math Summit.
How the Virtual Summit Works
For those of you who aren’t familiar with it, it is a totally online math conference for elementary teachers, and we do it at the end of July. Specifically this year, it is July 29th through August 1st. Yes, we have so many presenters this year, we have to do it over four days.
Now a reminder that your registration in the Virtual Math Summit is completely free. It is free for you to watch all of the videos that you can for one week. They’re available for an entire week, and then after that they go into the Build Math Minds PD site. That’s a site that I run. You can find info about that at
In the BMM PD site, I provide professional development videos for teachers, math coaches, elementary educators who want to learn more about mathematics.
But every summer I get together some of my favorite presenters, and I ask them to do sessions for you guys. And people who aren’t members get to watch them from July 29th to August 5th. You have that span of time to watch them for free, then they go into the membership site for the members who watch anytime they want. But the cool part about the Virtual Summit is during that week, you can watch these videos anytime you want.
There are specific times that certain sessions go live, and the presenters are there, talking in the chat area with you. A lot of people come on that time, and everybody’s talking in the chat areas together. Even if you can’t attend during that live time, the coolest part about this is that you can watch it anytime you want during that week when it’s free.
Why You Should Attend The Virtual Math Summit
You can watch it when you’re out there beside your pool, when you’re out at the beach, when you’re in between baseball games, like me, you could be watching the fabulous PD all right there at your fingertips.
All you need is your phone and a set of headphones, and you’re good to go. Now I have to say, I am a little biased, because I put on this conference. But I think it is the best PD that you can get online this summer if you’re an elementary teacher. Yeah, it’s not just any PD. It’s stinkin’ awesome PD.
If you need PD hours, we’ll give you a certificate at the end. You have to say which sessions you attend, mark off which ones you do. We’ll send you a certificate with those PD hours. You just need to check with your district, though, and make sure it’s something that they will accept because every district’s a little different.
Virtual Math Summit Sessions
If I talked about every single session, this video would go on and on. So there’s a link HERE that’s going to take you to the registration page.
On that page, you’ll get to see who all is presenting. I get to preview all these sessions before you guys see them. There was one session that brought me to tears. I haven’t seen them all yet because there’s a lot to get through, but one of them has brought me to tears. And that’s by Steve Leinwand. Now you either love him or you hate him. I love him. There’s a reason. He challenges us to do something different. I seriously had goosebumps the entire time listening to him talk. And I cannot wait for you to hear his session.
Steve’s going to help us learn how to become math rebels. And we’re gonna use that hashtag: #mathrebels. Anytime you’re doing something that might be a little different from what everybody else is doing, use that new hashtag, #mathrebels, and we’ll talk more about it during the Virtual Math Summit.
I’m also excited for Dr. Kristopher Childs. He’s going to be helping us reimagine the math experience for our students. It’s going to be a fabulous session. I’ve seen Dr. Childs present in person, and I can’t wait for you all to learn from him through this online setting as well.
Now Sunil Singh has this fabulous new book called Math Recess, and he is doing a session all about encouraging us to bring play into the math classroom, which is what his book’s about. But you guys get his free session during the Virtual Math Summit this year, and I can’t wait for you guys to see that one.
Thomasenia Lott Adams, I can’t wait for this one either. You guys, I’m just, I can’t wait for everything!! I can’t wait for you guys to see them all. But I’m really excited about her session that is about supporting equity and access for girls in mathematics. So we know that this is an issue. There’s a big gap in performance. And she’s going to be talking about how we can minimize that gap and even get our girls above. So I’m excited for that one.
As a friend of lots of other parents out there, I get a lot of text messages, comments, questions, from my friends about their kids’ math. And so I’m really excited about Dr. Hilary Kreisberg. She’s going to be showing us how to add parents to the equation.
How To Attend The Virtual Math Summit
There’s just so much of these sessions that I cannot wait for you guys to see, so get the registration link below. GET REGISTERED for the Virtual Math Summit!!!
I know it seems like a ways off, right. It’s not until the end of July, but get registered now, then I will send you email reminders about what is coming, to get it on your calendar, and details about what’s happening. We’ll give you more information as the summer progresses about what day the presentations are going to be on, what time, etc. so you can get all of that scheduled out.
The other cool thing that we are working on is providing tracks. Not necessarily like you have to follow a track, but giving you that insight if you’re pre-K-2nd grade, here’s the sessions we recommend for pre-K-2nd. If you’re 3rd-5th, here you go. If you’re a math coach, here’s one specifically for math coaches.
The other thing is if you are working through those stages of becoming a recovering traditionalist that I talked about in a prior video, we’ve gotcha covered. We will be talking about which sessions are designed for those certain stages of our recovering traditionalist journey.
So whether you’re working on building your procedural or conceptual understanding, you’re working on learning the theory of math education, you’re implementing ideas, you’re building math connections, you’re ensuring equity and access for all your students, or you’re working on leading the change at your school, we are going to have sessions that are designed to help you with each one of those stages, and we’ll be letting you know which ones are for which stage so you can pick and choose a little bit easier because there are almost 40 sessions over the four days. That’s a lot to watch, and we don’t expect you to watch them all. So we want to help you along the way.
So get registered, then in emails I’ll send you will let us know what grade bands you work with and all of that stuff so that we can help guide you to the ones that will work best for your needs this summer.
Now, I know that most of you are seeing this video at the end of the school year, and maybe the beginning of your summer, and you really don’t want to think about next school year at all. But let’s face it, we do. I know you’re already scooping out classroom decor and classroom storage bins. We all do it. So why not get registered for some of the best math PD you can ever get over this summer right now?!?!?!
All you have to do is click the link below, it will take you to the Virtual Math Summit registration page where you can see all of the details about the summit, and then click that link to get registered.
Then I will email you all the details that you need to have to ensure that you don’t miss a single session during the 2019 Build Math Minds Virtual Math Summit. We’ve got a lot of cool things planned this year. We have some extra little features that we’re doing. Some Facebook Lives, some extra little goodies that we’re going to be sending your way, and you’ve gotta get registered to get information about those things.
So I hope you have a wonderful summer. You’re not going to see my smiling face over the summer. But don’t you worry, we are working hard in the background to give you great PD here at the end of July. I cannot wait to see you at the Virtual Math Summit, so make sure you get registered. Have a great day.
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