I’m about to take a break from these weekly videos because it’s summertime, and during the summer, I prepare for the Build Math Minds Virtual Math Summit.
I’m Christina Tondevold, the Recovering Traditionalist, and I hope you stick around because today I give you the Build Math Minds Virtual Math Summit 2020 preview in our quest to build our math minds so we can build the math minds of our students.
Watch the video or read the transcript below:
How does the Virtual Math Summit 2020 work?
- Over 20 presentations, spread over 3 days, August 3rd, 4th, and 5th
- Registration is FREE and you get to watch all the sessions you can for free through August 10.
- After August 10 they go inside my Build Math Minds PD site
Why Attend?
(I’m biased) The BEST professional development you can watch by your pool or on the beach (if you can go) or just at your home.
AWESOME PD at your Fingertips
Certificates of Attendance are available. Check with your school district to see if they will allow you to use these presentations as PD hours.
What topics will be covered in the Sessions?
- 4 main themes the sessions will be focusing on:
○ Building Connections – connections between different aspects of math,
connections between the content that you teach at your grade level, but also
connections between what you teach and a grade level up or below you.
○ Equity & Access – not just about the access of technology, but it’s also about
how we create these math tasks and how some of our kids really don’t have
access based upon the way that we create the math experience that we are
providing in the classroom.
○ Implementation – not just a bunch of theory but ideas of how to implement math
instruction in your classroom.
○ Procedural and Conceptual Knowledge – building our own math minds. That’s
a big part of what I believe in is that we need to build our own procedural and
conceptual understanding of the mathematics before we are able to do that with
our students.
Who are the Presenters?
- Some repeat presenters (from previous Virtual Math Summits) doing new sessions this year like Margie Pearse, Brian Bushart, John SanGiovanni, Berkeley Everett, and Robert Kaplinsky.
- New presenters, that you may know, like Peg Smith and George Couros and some that you may not know but you should!
- Check out the full line-up of presenters at https://buildmathminds.com/virtual-math-summit