How to Build Fraction Sense
Today we’re going to talk about How to Build Fraction Sense in the Elementary Grades. Operating with fractions is what most textbooks focus on. But in order to understand the operations, we first need to develop fraction sense. I’m Christina Tondevold, The...
Fraction Rules That Expire
Did you know that there are fraction rules that we teach kids that actually expire? Yeah, there are things that we teach them that work for right now, but they don’t work long term. Today, we’re going to explore fraction rules that expire. Watch the video or...
The #1 Manipulative For Teaching Fractions: Blank Fraction Tiles
Today we take a look at the number one manipulative for teaching fractions: the blank fraction tiles. When kids are given a fraction visual like this, not many of them can say that this is actually 1/4. The majority of kids say that this is 1/3. Now, you may think...
Teaching Fractions With Understanding
Fractions are the worst. When I taught sixth grade, I was so guilty of teaching rules and procedures that I myself did not understand. I was guilty of teaching my students the butterfly method, and KCF, yeah, for Keep, Change, Flip. We’ve all been there. Watch...