Multiplication-Division |
Every month inside the Build Math Minds Facebook group, we watch out for a hot topic. Something that sparked a lively debate, a lot of comments, some unsureness or anything that might be interesting to dive a little bit deeper into. Our hot topic this month inside of...
Add-Subtract-Place Value, Fact Fluency, Multiplication-Division |
A hot topic inside of the Build Math Minds Facebook group is always fact fluency. Recently, Lori posted asking about how children build automaticity in math, and that sparked some heated comments, let’s just say that. People are very passionate about helping...
Multiplication-Division |
How do we teach multiplication and division with understanding? A friend of mine got ahold of me because she was concerned that her 4th grade daughter was struggling with division. Once I dug in a bit I realized that her concern was that her daughter didn’t know how...
Add-Subtract-Place Value, Fact Fluency, Multiplication-Division, Subitizing |
Should kids be using their fingers in math class? I’m getting ready to do some webinars all about how kids get stuck in that phase where they’re counting on their fingers for addition and skip counting on their fingers for multiplication. Every time I do...
Add-Subtract-Place Value, Building Number Sense, Fact Fluency, Fractions, Multiplication-Division, Subitizing |
Have you ever wondered how to use subitizing in your classroom? Subitizing is the ability to instantly recognize ‘how many’. Helping our students develop subitizing isn’t just for Pre-K to second grade. Even third through fifth grade kiddos need to develop...
Multiplication-Division |
My daughter is in the third grade and the other night she brought home the Finger Trick for learning “multiplying by 9.” It was not her teacher who taught her this, one of the students brought it into the classroom showing it to everybody and the teacher tried to help...