Building Number Sense, Number Sense, Teaching Mathematics |
Number of the day worksheets or activities are very popular in elementary schools, however many of them are boring, take up a lot of time, and don’t build powerful mathematical ideas during that time. They are typically focused on number skills. For instance, one of...
Fractions, Number Sense, Teaching Mathematics |
Today we’re going to talk about How to Build Fraction Sense in the Elementary Grades. Operating with fractions is what most textbooks focus on. But in order to understand the operations, we first need to develop fraction sense. I’m Christina Tondevold, The...
Fact Fluency, Number Sense |
Well, math fact fluency is a big deal in elementary school. It’s one of those things that people cringe when a child does not have it. You’ll hear things like, “Kids these days don’t know their facts.” How many times have you heard that?...
Building Number Sense, Fact Fluency, Number Sense, Subitizing, Teaching Mathematics |
We often hear about how number sense is such a big deal in the early grades of elementary. But it is so important for our upper elementary kiddos as well. Our textbooks, especially in the upper grades, tend to focus on just the skills around numbers. They want kids to...
Building Number Sense, Number Sense, Subitizing, Teaching Mathematics |
One of the hardest parts of teaching mathematics without a textbook is knowing and understanding the progression of mathematical thinking, but it is the most vital part. Also, one of the areas that I talked about earlier in this video series is how essential it is to...