Math Terms for Elementary Teachers
Recently, I received an email from someone who had attended a webinar of mine and they asked this question. Now these are terms that are batted around a lot in math education. We hear a lot about procedural fluency, operational sense, conceptual understanding and...
Ways To Make Ten | Teaching Kids to Make 10
I’ve got a request today. I want to ask all educators out there to stop saying make 10. Now, I know that making 10 is a huge deal in elementary school. It is a big, big thing that we need kids to understand. However, the term “make 10” makes it very difficult...
Top Tips For Building Number Sense for Upper Elementary
I always want to try to give some free information for all elementary teachers whether or not you take the online course. If you have been around for a while, you know that I believe that number sense is one of the key missing pieces for a lot of our students. Whether...
Top Tips For Building Number Sense for Early Elementary
Well, as I gear up for online Number Sense 101 course (The Number Sense 101 course has been reworked and is now called The Flexibility Formula) to open up for registration, I always like to provide some free content around number sense so that you can implement number...