Talking Math With Your Kids #TMWYK

Okay, I’m stealing my title for this post from one of my favorite blogs out there; Talking Math With Your Kids.  My kids get A LOT of math talk in our household, more than they get read to.  In most households it is the other way around; more time is spent...

What the Heck is a Rekenrek??

I am preparing for my presentation at the annual US Math Recovery conference and thought it would be a great time to post about one of my favorite math manipulatives for PreK through 2nd grade; the Rekenrek…which just so happens to be the focus of my...
Easter Egg Math Activities

Easter Egg Math Activities

I am a firm believer in doing math activities that make kids feel like they aren’t doing math at all.  So, seeing all the cute ways teachers are using easter eggs to help kids with literacy and math got me inspired to create some math eggs of my own for my...
Christmas Math Centers

Christmas Math Centers

As I stated in my December Read Aloud post, I get to spend time in my son’s kindergarten classroom doing math centers.  Here is what we did in the Christmas Math Centers: Memory using Snowmen Subitizing Cards.  I used this set of subitizing cards and set it up...
Subitizing for Princesses

Subitizing for Princesses

Math is (unfortunately) commonly known as a boy thing.  With only one wonderful girl in my house (she has 3 brothers), I have vowed to make math a “princess thing.”  One activity I made especially for my princess are these wonderful Princess...