Well, it is that time of year again when teachers start to look forward to all of the wonderful testing that they get do in their classroom. Right? Well, unfortunately, testing and doing assessments is just part of teacher life nowadays. However, I am not a big fan of...
Number lines are an essential mathematical model. However, if you are anything like me, you didn’t grow up doing math using number lines. So, if we didn’t use it or learn that way, it becomes hard for us to teach it to our students. Today we’re going...
Inside of my Facebook group, Build Math Minds, there are a lot, and I mean a lot, of posts all about asking opinions around a certain curriculum or textbook. Basically, wanting to find out if this a good curriculum. Or is this a good textbook series? Today I want to...
This is video 3, the last video in a mini-series I’ve been doing about Are You Teaching Math The Right Way. In this final video, we’re going to delve into a question I get a lot, “What order and how long should we spend on teaching specific math...
This video is Part 2 in a video series I’m doing all about a question I get asked a lot, “Am I teaching math right?” I’m Christina Tondevold, the Recovering Traditionalist. Today we’re going to delve into the content emphases, in order to help...
I’ve been asked what books I recommend to someone to learn more and develop their professional learning around mathematics. In today’s vlog I will talk about books that I highly recommend in our quest to build our math minds, so we can build the math minds of...
Welcome! I’m a Recovering Traditionalist elementary teacher and now, I help teachers and children learn to love math. Explore how I can help provide you PD at your fingertips! BuildMathMinds.com