Teaching Data in Elementary School
One area of mathematics that we see a lot in our daily lives is data and probability. Yet, we don’t put a big focus on it in school. Today, we’re going to take a look at my top tips for teaching data in the elementary school. Watch the video or read the...
The Two Things You Need to Focus on To Help Kids Learn Measurement in Elementary Grades
Measurement is often one of those lowest performing areas for kids. Yeah, it’s one of those areas that on those tests that we give our kids in elementary school, they tend to score the lowest in. That’s why today, we’re going to talk about the two things...
Understanding Measurement and Geometry for Elementary Students
Raise your hand if you have ever run out of time to get to the measurement or geometry unit in your textbook. So, I have three recommendations for you if this is you. Watch the video or read the transcript below: Here are links to products/activities mentioned in this...
Summer Math Activities for Elementary Students
Are you wondering how you can help your child with mathematics over the summer? Well, whether your child is struggling with mathematics or not, I really feel it’s important that we keep up the academics throughout the summer. Not just math, reading’s...