My Evaluation of Prodigy Math
I get emails a lot from teachers asking me what I think of this program, or that app, etc. Well, two times in one week I got asked about the math game Prodigy Math. I hadn’t heard of it, so after the second question I decided to look in to it, especially...
Can Timed Tests Help Develop a Growth Mindset?
Yesterday, during a PD session, I was asked my thoughts on timed tests. With all the talk about growth versus fixed mindsets, the topic of timed tests for facts has become a popular topic. My thoughts may not match up with the popular thought of the moment, but...
My #NCTMBoston Takeaways
I had the great pleasure of presenting at the Annual NCTM Conference. This year it was held in Boston and I got to take a tour of Fenway Park!! I even got sucked into the excitement of game day and went to a game. But the best part of the trip wasn’t what I...
Math Doesn’t have to be Formal #TMWYK
Tonight for some unknown reason my oldest son, who is in 1st grade, made a statement that started an informal conversation about math. This is the type of math that I do with my kids at home (no worksheets, no flashcards, etc…instead we #TMWYK – Talk Math...