It was just last week that I wrote about how sticking to New Year’s Resolutions is really just like problem solving.  Then a few days ago I was listening to Dave Ramsey via the iPhone app on my drive to work and heard him re-iterate the 5 things that differentiate a WISH from a GOAL (I’ll cover those 5 below, but you can also see them in my post from last week.).  One thing he also talked about, which I had not heard before and it gave way to this post, is that we should create goals for 7 areas of our lives.  If any of you are like me, I get really focused on particular areas of my life and other areas of my life go by the wayside, e.g. I focus on my kids and my work but my housework not so much…thus I have piles of laundry that never seem to get put away.  So I decided to share my goals for this year with you, mainly because it forced me to create them and write them down! 🙂  But, if you are wanting help in creating some balance in your life, try setting a goal this year in each of these 7 areas:

1) Physical

2) Intellectual

3) Career

4) Social

5) Financial

6) Family

7) Spiritual


Now for those goals you just thought about to actually have a chance at becoming attainable, YOU need to do 5 things with the goal:

1) Make sure they are YOUR goal

2) Write it down

3) Make it specific

4) How will you measure that you have achieved it?

5) Set a time limit


To help myself out with writing my goals I made this chart to help me out.  I hope it helps you make some goals that will help balance your life, because we are all a little unbalanced at times.

Use this chart to help make your New Year's Resolutions attainable.


Here are my goals to show you an example:

My Dave Ramsey Goals

My ‘Intellectual Goal’ is to find 3 books that focus on Place Value in order to dig a little deeper into that content.  Just today I found Michael Battista’s Cognition Based Assessment & Teaching of Place Value, but I’m curious if any of you have some other suggestions?