Teaching Math through Story Problems
Well this is video number 6 in our 7 part series about how to teach math without a textbook. All the other videos are linked down below this video and in video number 2, I talked about three instructional practices that you should be doing in elementary math; number...
Components of Number Sense in 3rd-5th
We often hear about how number sense is such a big deal in the early grades of elementary. But it is so important for our upper elementary kiddos as well. Our textbooks, especially in the upper grades, tend to focus on just the skills around numbers. They want kids to...
Components of Number Sense in PreK-2
One of the hardest parts of teaching mathematics without a textbook is knowing and understanding the progression of mathematical thinking, but it is the most vital part. Also, one of the areas that I talked about earlier in this video series is how essential it is to...
Creating School Change When Others Don’t Want To
In this series of videos, I’ve been encouraging you to close up that math textbook and listen to your students to decide what lessons you will provide them next. However, I’ve gotten some feedback from educators out there who are really wanting to do that,...
How to Teach Elementary Math Without a Textbook
What does good math teaching look like? The answer to this will depend upon who you ask. But no matter who you ask, I bet that most people today would not say that going page by page in a math textbook is what they would consider good math teaching. Now if you do run...