Geometry For Elementary Students Beyond Just Shapes
Geometry in elementary school tends to be a lot about just shapes. Today, I want to talk about why we need to take a look at teaching geometry for elementary students beyond just shapes. Watch the video or read the transcript below: Here are links to...
Understanding Measurement and Geometry for Elementary Students
Raise your hand if you have ever run out of time to get to the measurement or geometry unit in your textbook. So, I have three recommendations for you if this is you. Watch the video or read the transcript below: Here are links to products/activities mentioned in this...
The Case Against Math Homework
I really hate homework. Even before I had four kids of my own, I knew I didn’t like giving my students homework, but I just couldn’t really pinpoint why. Watch the video or read the transcript below: Now, this is something that I have been thinking about a...
Why You Shouldn’t Teach Math Problem Types to Your Students
Recently I had a guest on my vlog, Ann Elise Record, who talked about addition and subtraction word problems. Now, anytime people learn about math problem types, one thing that they want to go do is to go right back and teach the problem types to their students. Watch...
Hundreds Chart For Addition And Subtraction
Hundreds charts, or 120 charts, are used a lot in early elementary to help kids with a lot of mathematical concepts. In particular, they are often used for addition and subtraction. However, I have seen kids struggle way too much with this model, and they aren’t...