Fractions, Multiplication-Division, Number Sense |
I’ve been getting lots of requests to talk about what number sense looks like for upper grades kiddos, especially upper elementary and even into middle school. I have been talking about these four number relationships that I first discovered through John Van de...
Number Sense, Subitizing |
Here are links to products/activities mentioned in this vlog. (Some may be affiliate links which just means that if you do purchase using my link, the company you purchased from sends me some money. Find more info HERE about that.) Mastering the MathRack book The BEST...
Building Number Sense, Number Sense, Subitizing |
The number one concern I hear from teachers is that their students struggle with number sense and they want to build that for their kiddos. However, although we know our kiddos don’t have a good sense of numbers, it’s hard to define what Number Sense is. If you don’t...
Fact Fluency, Number Sense |
When helping kids develop Fact Fluency I believe in focusing on 4 Types of Facts and then how those facts are related to all the other facts. You may have seen the chart below in previous posts of mine, but this chart shows those 4 Types of Facts: Doubles (orange),...
3 Act Math Tasks, Add-Subtract-Place Value |
The struggle between Quantity and Context is real in a math classroom. Kids want to just focus on the quantities, but we as teachers want them to also focus on the context. In this webinar, Graham Fletcher shows us how to move kids away from being “number...