Teaching Numeracy Book Study-Preface & Intro

I am partaking in a book study over at the Math Coach’s Corner on the book Teaching Numeracy: 9 Critical Habits to Ignite Mathematical Thinking by Margie Pearse and K.M. Walton.  I always have intentions of reading a new book during the summer, but summertime is...

A Mathematical Summer

  Well, this post is probably too late for many of you, but I was doing a training today and was asked to share it.  This document is meant to be sent home with your students to provide ideas for parents on ways to help the kids have a mathematical summer break....

The Best Graduation Gift #TMWYK

My journey to the graduation gift we are giving high school seniors this year took me a long time to get to.  This graduation gift should actually start way before a kid graduates, but my husband and I are trying in our little way to give kids something I never had:...

Talking Math With Your Kids #TMWYK

Okay, I’m stealing my title for this post from one of my favorite blogs out there; Talking Math With Your Kids.  My kids get A LOT of math talk in our household, more than they get read to.  In most households it is the other way around; more time is spent...

What the Heck is a Rekenrek??

I am preparing for my presentation at the annual US Math Recovery conference and thought it would be a great time to post about one of my favorite math manipulatives for PreK through 2nd grade; the Rekenrek…which just so happens to be the focus of my...

Teaching the Teen Numbers

The teen numbers are hard!!  I was reminded of that again today as I picked up my daughter’s Kindergarten Pre-Assessment.  They had her write as many numbers as she could, and just like her older brother used to do, she wrote all the teen numbers incorrectly....