Fact Fluency, Teaching Mathematics |
“Number sense is a waste of time.” “People need to stop letting kids play and make kids memorize.” “Kids who learn strategies just take too long to solve problems when they’re older.” Those are just some comments I get when I...
Add-Subtract-Place Value, Fact Fluency, Multiplication-Division |
A hot topic inside of the Build Math Minds Facebook group is always fact fluency. Recently, Lori posted asking about how children build automaticity in math, and that sparked some heated comments, let’s just say that. People are very passionate about helping...
Fact Fluency, Number Sense |
Well, math fact fluency is a big deal in elementary school. It’s one of those things that people cringe when a child does not have it. You’ll hear things like, “Kids these days don’t know their facts.” How many times have you heard that?...