Does Multiplication mean ‘Groups of’?
Every month inside the Build Math Minds Facebook group, we watch out for a hot topic. Something that sparked a lively debate, a lot of comments, some unsureness or anything that might be interesting to dive a little bit deeper into. Our hot topic this month inside of...
The Power of Ten Frames Throughout All of Elementary
Ten frames are very well known and commonly used in the early grades of elementary school, but did you know that they are a powerful tool no matter what grade level you teach in elementary? I’m Christina Tondevold, The Recovering Traditionalist, and today...
A Big Mistake Educators Make When Building Math Fluency
We all want students to become fluent in math, but there is something that we tend to do as educators thinking it’s helping the kids become fluent, but really it isn’t. I’m Christina Tondevold, The Recovering Traditionalist, and today I’d...
Place Value and Number Sense
Place value is so much more than just what digit is in each place. It’s about the value of those numbers and how it relates to other numbers. That sounds simple, but is actually hard to help kids develop. This video is from a live training I did inside the Build...
Why math is taught differently now
I’ll admit that when people ask me what I do, I really don’t like to tell them because I’m afraid that they will go off about the new math. And it’s not really a conversation that I wanna have with a complete stranger in like five minutes...