Subitizing, Teaching Mathematics |
I’m Christina Tondevold, The Recovering Traditionalist, and today we’re going to take a look at subitizing in mathematical foundation in our quest to build our math minds so we can build the math minds of our kiddos. Watch the video or read the transcript...
Add-Subtract-Place Value, Time-Measurement-Data |
Man, one of the biggest pet peeves I have when I am out at stores and restaurants is when someone does not give me the correct change back. I’ve been doing this series all about the different strategies kids use for subtraction, and giving change back is one of...
Add-Subtract-Place Value, Time-Measurement-Data |
With our textbooks and standards asking students to use multiple strategies to solve subtraction problems, I’m doing a little series all about what these strategies are and how they can actually be helpful when students are solving time, money, and measurement...